Download flash files, unpack it to memory card

First we need unlock eeprom

""JUMPER " - in my MMC and pico/nano it is jumper what ON/OFF device , in JS128 it is J6

Run "1.tap" file , remove jumper , press E , insert JUMPER back and reset MMC

Push NMI , run " 2.tap " file , remove JUMPER, hit any key , screen start flashing, after few minutes you get 0 OK.

Switch off ZX spectrum, insert JUMPER back,download and copy new ESX DOS files in to memory card . Replace old ESX DOS files, in other case NMI browser not working NEW ESX DOS FILES

IMPORTANT, YOU NEED write protect Eeprom again ! If you ignore this step you can brick your MMC

Run again file "1", remove JUMPER, press "D" for lock EEprom , install JUMPER back, reset MMC